Les Cahiers d'Allhis n°5: Translation as a source of creation
Academic work
Under the direction of Anne Béchard-Léauté
This book questions translation as a source of creation. Through numerous examples taken from various periods or cultures, both European and extra-European, it describes the creative scope of translation. The objective is to observe the phenomena of augmentation, appropriation,domestication, equivalence or imitation at work in translation, as well as the constant ambivalence towards the creative propensity that they reveal. In this tension inherent in translation, it is also the questions of creativity and the freedom of the translator that are questioned by plural approaches: translation studies, philosophical, historical, literary or even artistic. They highlight the lexical, structural or generic mechanisms that allow translation to function as a source of creation and to produce, as if by echo, works that are always multiple.
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Digital book
- ISBN 978-2-313-00585-9
- Ebook (PDF) - 369 p. (2018)
Paper book
- I SBN 978-2-313-00584-2
- Paper book - 398 p. (2018)