Traces of it have been found in skeletons dating back to prehistoric times.
It is everywhere . Not only in prehistoric human skeletons but also in mummies discovered in Egyptian pyramids or in Etruscan funerary monuments. We can say that it has accompanied humanity since its origin.
Cancer has always been present, but it is affecting us more and more, mainly because we are living longer.
The good news is that we are detecting it earlier and earlier and that medical advances are allowing us to treat it more and more effectively. The survival rate obviously differs depending on the type of cancer, but on average we have gained 9 years of survival in forty years : the average survival rate one year after the onset of the disease was 50%; it is now 50% after ten years. This means that only one in two patients was still alive after one year, whereas now one in two patients is still alive after ten years.
But these are just numbers. The human reality of the fight against cancer is of course more complex. These are two personal and optimistic journeys that are told in the two books below.
Suddenly discovering that she has breast cancer, Danielle Baldacci recounts her daily struggle to eradicate this Intruder lurking in the most intimate part of her being, and who seeks to destroy her. A moving, sincere, remarkably written face-to-face , and above all full of hope and faith in life!
Aimée Garneret, for her part, was confronted, as we all will be one day, with the vision of her imminent death . In her book Mélusine wore her long black dress, she tells us about her fight against it, in all her humanity. And her victory , in all its strength. This book is more than an experience of illness, more than a testimony of courage and love, it is a lesson in life .